Current Training Initiatives:

  • Drive the Change Over the Shoulder Support (OTSS) Reinforcement Training: Held on Wednesdays, based on trending topics. Attendees will enroll at the beginning of each session and complete a survey ELM at the end. Recordings are in the Drive the Change Teams channel, Files folder, under Recordings. Sessions may involve protected information and recordings may be unavailable.

Previous Training:

Recordings are available on S1Net . See below for hyperlinks to recordings of past webinars.
  • Military Pay Mobile Training Teams (MilPay MTT) (on Demand): The Human Resources Command has transitioned the MilPay MTT into a virtual platform.
Operational Training Environment (OTE)
If you would like to practice an IPPS-A transaction, use the Operational Training Environment (OTE) available in the system. OTE allows users to safely practice IPPS-A transactions without impacting Soldier pay and benefits. 

March Webinar Topics

Join us for live training!  This month’s topics include: Workflows, Rebuilding S1 and PCS Pools, Rowsecclass & more on Wednesdays, from 0900 – 1100 ET or 1800 – 2000 ET. Teams: Channel 1