DD 214 Series is Coming to IPPS-A

The FY20 National Defense Authorization Act, Sections 569-570 of Public Law 116-92, directed the Department of Defense to: ​

  1. Modify the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) to be machine readable and electronically transferable and include a specific block for Members to provide one or more email addresses so Members may be contacted after discharge or release from active duty; and ​

  2. Establish and implement a standard record of service for members of the Reserve component, like the DD Form 214, that summarizes record of service. 

What is IPPS-A Doing About it?​
The DD 214 (Active Duty) and DD 214-1 (Guard and Reserve Duty) are coming to IPPS-A with updates for the Force! Members and HR Professionals will be able to access the forms for review, corrections, and more efficient and accurate completion. Development is still underway in the system, and this page will provide sneak peeks to provide instructions, explain changes, and get user feedback.

PMCS Your Records for the DD 214

Soldiers should ensure their data is up to date! PMCS Your Records by using the steps below specific for each component. Additionally, HR Professionals can also support Soldiers by following the tasks listed on the DD 214 Data Correctness Checklist. ​

Link to: IPPS-A Data Correctness PMCS Your Records - Regular Army Link to IPPS-A Data Correctness PMCS Your Records - ARNG IPPS-A Data Correctness PMCS Your Records - USAR
PMCS Your Records
​Steps for AC Soldiers   
PMCS Your Records
​Steps for NG Soldiers
PMCS Your Records
​Steps for AR Soldiers

As of December 2024, subject to change