The Military Pay Mission Transferred Back to Army on October 1, 2020

“The Army is laser focused on enhancing end-to-end support to our Soldiers and is preparing to integrate military personnel and pay functions into the Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army,” said Brig. Gen. Mark S. Bennett, USAFMCOM commanding general. “Ensuring our Soldiers can train and fight without worrying about their pay or entitlements is always our top priority.”

The U.S. Army is working to modernize its military pay systems to provide for a more ready and lethal force that is focused on mission accomplishment and not just on paycheck issues.

In preparation for that future, the U.S. Army Financial Management Command (USAFMCOM) assumed the Army’s military pay mission from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) on Oct. 1.

To learn more, on the transition preparation and the Defense-Wide Review, click here.

How does IPPS-A Change MilPay Processing?

Graphic showing how IPPS-A impact MilPay Processing

The Military Pay (MilPay) Transition is the transition of policy, oversight and functionality of MilPay operations from the Army Financial Management (FM) Community to the Human Resources (HR) community across the Active Army, Army Reserve (USAR) and Army National Guard (ARNG). The MilPay Transition effort was established to ensure a seamless transition of the MilPay mission from legacy systems (DJMS, DMO, CEDMS, etc.) to the new pay system being established within IPPS-A. In this context, MilPay refers to anything that is related to Soldier pay, allowances and deductions that affects Soldier compensation. It does not include accounting, disbursing, and travel pay – all of which remain responsibilities specific to the financial management mission. It is imperative that the MilPay Transition is executed with accuracy and minimal error as payment for service is critical to Soldier readiness.

What is the MilPay Transition impact on Soldiers, Commanders, and HR Professionals?

In addition to the benefits of IPPS-A, the MilPay Transition will make Soldiers, Leaders, Commanders and HR Professionals jobs and lives much easier. Soldiers will resolve MilPay issues primarily with S1s; no longer need to work with Finance on most personnel-driven MilPay actions. Commanders will track real-time pay information for their Soldiers. HR Professionals will be proficient in MilPay policy and fundamentals, which will help them advise Soldiers and Families on MilPay issues and provide quality personnel services support.

What is the impact on the Army Components?

The challenge for the components will be the major culture shift for the HR and FM communities. Across the Army, communication and cooperation between the two communities will be essential to a seamless transition.

Preparing the Army for the MilPay Transition

The G-1’s Functional Management Division is the Army’s focal point and collaborative hub for this effort and is responsible for planning and coordinating the transition, as well as preparing the HR community for the assumption of MilPay functions. The MilPay Transition Division is leading the MilPay Transition effort by documenting requirements, gathering feedback from the FM community and sharing the vision of MilPay Transition across both the FM and HR communities.

If you have any questions related to IPPS-A or the MilPay Transition, please contact us at


Since the early 1970, the Army has pursued the integration of the personnel and pay functions:

  • most pay actions are the natural effect of personnel actions
  • combining the functions streamlines processes; producing efficiencies while increasing timeliness and reducing errors


Prepare the HR community for IPPS-A assumption of the MilPay mission by serving as the Army’s focal point and collaborative hub for all transition efforts.

End State

A seamless transition of responsibility that precludes any disruption or error in the processing of Soldier Pay, while satisfying all statutory requirements.

Release 3 MilPay Capabilities

IPPS-A performs MilPay functionality in Releases 2 and 3 by interfacing directly with the Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS). IPPS-A becomes the authoritative system for MilPay with the incorporation of Future Capabilities.

Chart showing what TINs and FIDs are processed in each Release of IPPS-A

As of June 2023, subject to change.