Training poster listing required training for Leaders, HR Professionals and SoldiersTraining

  • Leaders/Approvers: If you need to access another Soldier’s records, or if you need to review/approve transactions in your Component’s system, and have not taken the HR Professional training, you need to complete the Leader Course. You may also need Sub-Category Training.
  • HR Professionals/Field Users: It’s not just for 42As! If you’re currently performing transactions in your Component’s HR system, you need to take the HR Professional training (the Leader Course is already included in this training) and Sub-Category Training (as required).
  • Soldiers: The Self-Service course is strongly recommended and is also available through the IPPS-A Enterprise Learning Management (ELM).
  • NOTE: The “due by date” that displays in ELM refers to when the system will automatically dis-enroll users who haven’t completed all of the training modules. By default, ELM sets the expiration date 120 days from the training enrollment date. After this time, users will be required to re-enroll, and your place in the course will be carried over.
Operational Training Environment (OTE)
If you would like to practice an IPPS-A transaction, use the Operational Training Environment (OTE) available in the system. OTE allows users to safely practice IPPS-A transactions without impacting Soldier pay and benefits. 

Mandatory Training for Leaders handountAccess and Requirements

Leaders/Approvers: Anyone (including sub-categories such as Commander and Manager) who needs to access another Soldier’s record or needs to review/approve transactions.1,2,3

~1 hr video

 Log into IPPS-A:
2. Click “IPPS-A Hands-on Training” tile.
3. Type “R3 Leaders” in search bar.
4. Select course from menu.
5. Choose Enroll/Launch (Select Launch to immediately begin the training).
6. If you watched ~12 videos (~1 hour) and have not received credit:
6a. Leaders Course is ~12 separate videos (embedded into one module).
6b. Click on and watch each one for credit.
6c. Play and exit after each, repeat until all are complete.
6d. You need to watch all videos to show completion.
7. [OR] Try using a personal computer with a CAC reader to watch all videos.
8. [OR] Watch the training at:
8a. YouTube or S1Net.
8b. Credit is not automatic via YouTube/S1Net; Contact your Unit S1 or Training Resource Administrator (TRA).

Sub-Category (SUBCAT) Training

  • Leaders may need more than the Leader Course and must determine what SUBCAT training is required within IPPS-A to perform duties.
  • Training completion does not automatically grant a user access to each SUBCAT associated with the d/L programs.
  • TRAs and Unit Validators must provision users separately with all required SUBCATs.
  • IPPS-A SUBCAT Infographics define training requirements, available on the IPPS-A system, R3 IPPS-A Resources page.

1 Any civilian or military member who will be accessing another Soldier’s record or reviewing/approving actions in IPPS-A, such as absence requests or signing awards for military members, etc., must complete the Leader Course. The Leader Course was included in the R3 HR Pro d/L. Only those who have not completed the d/L need to take the Leader Course.
2Please contact your Training Resource Administrator (TRA) or Unit Validator for more information on required training, provisioning and sub-category (SUBCAT) roles. IPPS-A SUBCAT Infographics define training requirements and are available on the IPPS-A system, R3 IPPS-A Resources page.
3Civilian personnel and sister service military members require assistance to gain access and enroll in training. These users should contact their organization’s TRA as soon as possible to be added as Persons of Interest (POIs) and granted required roles and permissions to execute their duties. 

HR Professionals: Anyone currently performing HR actions in your Component’s HR system.

~40 hr Distance Learning
1. Go to the IPPS-A homepage
2. Select login on the top right corner of the screen.
3. Once on the Self-service page, select IPPS-A Hands-on training.
4. Search under the Program tab and select R3 HR Professional to start modules.
5. If you aren’t already registered for this course, you can search for it and self-enroll.
5a. To self-enroll, expand the NavBar by clicking the compass icon in the top right corner.
5b. Then, go to Navigator, ELM, Self-service, Learning and Find learning.
5c. On the left side under category, select R3-TRNG INSTRUCTOR.
5d. Then select register next to R3 HR Professional.
5e. Once registered it will show up on Self-service via IPPS-A Hands-on training.
5f. Inform your TRA that you self-enrolled and to add you to their training roster.

Sub-Category (SUBCAT) Training,
  • Many HR Professionals will need more than the HR Professional SUBCAT and must determine what SUBCAT training is required within IPPS-A to perform duties.
  • Training completion does not automatically grant a user access to each SUBCAT associated with the d/L programs.
  • TRAs and Unit Validators must provision users separately with all required SUBCATs.
  • IPPS-A SUBCAT Infographics define training requirements, available on the IPPS-A system, R3 IPPS-A Resources page.

Validators: Anyone who grants subcategories/roles access at different organizational levels based on unit operating procedures and policies.

~5 hr Validator Training

1. Log into IPPS-A:
2. Click “IPPS-A Hands-on Training” tile.
3. Type “Validator” in search bar.
4. Select “R3 T3 S1 B Validator” from menu and choose Enroll/Launch.

Soldiers and Self-Service Users
(Optional ~1 hr video)
  1. Log into IPPS-A:
  2. Click “IPPS-A Hands-on Training” tile.
  3. Type “R3 Self Service Orientation” in search bar.
  4. Select course from menu and choose Enroll/Launch.
Although Soldier self-service training is currently optional, it is highly recommended for Soldiers to review the training. Soldiers can save a trip to the S1 shop and submit personnel requests (such as leave) on their own behalf in IPPS-A. Units have the discretion to make the training mandatory. Efforts are underway with TRADOC to add a self-service block at BCT and AIT to provide new Soldiers an orientation.

Training via the App

Self-Service user access is granted to everyone; however, mobile access requires a DS Logon.

1. Download the IPPS-A App from Apple or Google Play Stores, for instructions click here.
2. Use your DS logon to access the app.
3. Click on IPPS-A Hands-on Training.
4. Search for the course you want to take and enroll in the course.

As of July 2024, subject to change.