Project Management Office

Functional Management Division (FMD)

COL Matthew C. Paul

Official headshot of COL Matthew C. Paul

Project Manager
ASA(ALT), PEO Enterprise

COL Matthew C. Paul - Full Biography

The IPPS-A PMO manages the development of IPPS-A. PMO is responsible for designing and developing the system, training development, testing, implementation, customer relations and lifecycle sustainment.

LTC Ryan P. Martin

Official headshot of LTC Ryan P. Martin

Product Manager
ASA(ALT), PEO Enterprise

LTC Ryan P. Martin - Full Biography

The IPPS-A Increment II (IPPS-A Inc. II) Product Manager is responsible for the development of numerous capabilities that will either reside within the PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or integrate with IPPS-A.

COL Rebekah Lust

Official headshot of COL Rebekah “Becky” Lust

Division Director
G-1 (TBAI)

COL Rebekah Lust - Full Biography

FMD is the functional sponsor for IPPS-A. FMD is responsible for functional input including requirements definition, business process mapping, deployment, training strategy and change management.

SGM Paul J. Smith

Official headshot of SGM Paul J. Smith


Senior Enlisted Advisor
G-1 (TBAI)

SGM Paul J. Smith - Full Biography

FMD is the functional sponsor for IPPS-A. FMD is responsible for functional input including requirements definition, business process mapping, deployment, training strategy and change management.

Graphical depiction of IPPS-A Organizational Chart: ASA(ALT) (top left), PEO Enterprise (middle left), Project Management Office (bottom left); Army G1 (top right), TBAI (middle right), Functional Management Division (bottom right)


The Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army (IPPS-A) implementation team is a partnership between the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology and the Army G-1, with responsibilities as defined below.

Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology ASA(ALT)—develops, acquires, fields, and sustains the equipment to meet current and future Army needs.

Army G-1—manages and executes all manpower and personnel plans, programs, and policies across the Army.

Program Executive Office Enterprise—develops, acquires, and deploys tactical and management information technology systems and products across the Army. IPPS-A is one of 28 major programs owned by PEO Enterprise.

Technology and Business Architecture Integration (TBAI)—ensures the strategic integration of all aspects of information technology across Army components. TBAI serves as the functional proponent for IPPS-A.

IPPS-A Project Management Office—Manages the development of IPPS-A.

Functional Management Division—is the functional sponsor for IPPS-A and is responsible for functional input including requirements definition, business process capture, deployment, training strategy, and change management.