Command Sergeant Major / Sergeant Major,
Thank you for continuing to encourage your Soldiers to learn and work with the system. I want to provide you with some updates, guidance, and resources to share with your units as they continue to navigate IPPS-A.
With the sunsetting of milSuite on 31 March 2025, we will lose S1Net as a resource for disseminating critical IPPS-A news. Now, more than ever, I encourage you to ensure these updates get down to the lowest levels.
Non-Transferable Flags
Since the season is fast approaching, I want to remind you of an ongoing PCS-related issue:
A Soldier with a non-transferable flag must remain in their unit and should not PCS to another unit until any issues are resolved and the flag lifts. Unfortunately, some units have been allowing Soldiers with non-transferrable flags to PCS.
Please encourage your unit S1s to conduct queries in IPPS-A to ensure that this is not happening in their respective footprints. Remember, these flags are in the best interest of the Army and the Soldier.
DD 214 Series Coming to IPPS-A
Please inform your NCOs that the DD 214 (Active Duty) and DD 214-1 (Guard and Reserve Duty) are coming to IPPS-A with updates for the Force! Members and HR Pros will be able to access the forms for review, corrections, and more efficient and accurate completion.
Development is still underway in the system, and
this page will provide sneak peeks to provide instructions, explain changes, and get user feedback.
More information is available at
Records Review
Please reiterate with your NCOs the importance of keeping up with their records in IPPS-A, and that they should not wait until key events (like boards, separations, etc.) to check their data for accuracy. With the addition of the DD214 Series to IPPS-A in particular, it is critical that Soldiers review the information on these forms to confirm accuracy. We have many resources that can help Soldiers with this; the Self-Service User Guide will familiarize your Soldiers with commonly performed self-service functions within IPPS-A, and Self-Service Job Aids for Personnel Records Review (PRR) and Personnel Records Update can assist.
They may find all resources and job aids at
PayPer Mismatch (PPM) Report
The PPM Report is a Business Intelligence (BI) tool that helps ensure Soldiers are paid on time and accurately. It enables Leaders and HR Professionals to review and analyze discrepancies in Soldier pay between IPPS-A and the Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS). This report helps identify and address Soldier pay issues, while meeting Audit Requirements.
You may learn how to review the PPM by checking out the
User Productivity Kit (UPK) or the new PPM Quick Sheet here:
Latest IPPS-A User Manual
The team recently released Version 14 of the IPPS-A User Manual. It provides step-by-step guidance on how to complete actions in the system and incorporates a variety of contributions from the field.
Please make sure your NCOs know that the manual is regularly updated, and they should ensure they are working from the latest version by accessing it at
R3 IPPS-A Resources.
SMA Joins the IPPS-A Podcast
In our
latest episode of the IPPS-A Podcast, I welcomed special guest Sergeant Major of the Army
Michael R. Weimer! We discuss his priorities of the year, his thoughts on the system, and his opinion that this is the “Year of IPPS-A!” I also spoke with Christopher “Smoke” Stevens, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 Senior Enlisted Advisor, about Soldier-focused objectives for 2025, ways Soldiers can improve their system, and how G-1’s priorities could be achieved through IPPS-A enhancements. I hope you enjoy the episode, and that you pass it down to your NCOs.
You may find the IPPS-A Podcast on
Apple, Spotify, and Castbox.
Thank you for continuing to inform and support your units. Your leadership is helping Soldiers become more empowered. Please let us know if you have any questions or need help — we are here for you!
SGM Paul J. Smith
Senior Enlisted Advisor
Learn more about IPPS-A