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News | March 4, 2025

IPPS-A Update: DD 214, PAID/ITG Guide, PCS QR Code, My Service Dates Tile and SMA on the IPPS-A Podcast

Thank you for continuing to navigate the system and quickly bringing issues to our attention for resolution. Your enthusiasm for IPPS-A is greatly appreciated!
Some important updates and guidance:
DD 214 Series Coming to IPPS-A
The DD 214 (Active Duty) and DD 214-1 (Guard and Reserve Duty) are coming to IPPS-A! Members and HR Pros will be able to review the forms, make corrections, and ensure accurate completion.
Development is still underway in the system, but you may find more information at
Pay-Absences-Incent-Ded (PAID) and In-Transit Grid (ITG) User Guide
We have released an updated version of the PAID and ITG User Guide. This version includes more accurate, up-to-date information, visuals, and resources, to help you navigate the PAID tile and ITG actions. You may find this resource and more at
Remember, we are now using IPPS-A’s PAID tile to submit PCS absences. You must select “Absence Type, 05-PCS Events” and choose the appropriate options to complete the request for your PCS absence. If you don’t, automation to support arrivals will not function as designed, causing Failure to Gain (FTG) numbers to increase and Soldier pay issues.
NOTE: The dates for PCS Absences MUST be entered up to the day before the report date. HR Professional should use the Soldiers Smart Voucher when updating the ITG.
QR Code for PCS
Since PCS Season is fast approaching, I wanted to remind everyone of the more user-friendly and detailed orders that are produced by IPPS-A.
Orders now include the official Army seal, code descriptions, home of record address, and a Digital Garrison QR code.
Soldiers can scan this QR code to access information about their new installation, stay up-to-date and connect with military communities. The app includes real-time news, announcements, gate and facility information, hotlines, and more.
You can learn more about the updated orders framework here.
My Service Dates Tile
Next time you log in, you may notice IPPS-A’s My Seniority Dates tile is now “My Service Dates.” All transactions previously done under My Seniority Dates are still available; however, this title change better reflects the content and purpose of the page. Please share with the Self-Service users, so they know where to find ADSO and SRR dates.
SMA joins the IPPS-A Podcast
We recently welcomed a special guest to the IPPS-A Podcast!
In our latest episode, SGM Paul Smith, IPPS-A’s Senior Enlisted Advisor, talks with special guest Sergeant Major of the Army Michael R. Weimer about his priorities of the year, his thoughts on the system, and his opinion that this is the “Year of IPPS-A!” We also hear from Christopher “Smoke” Stevens, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 Senior Enlisted Advisor, about Soldier-focused objectives for 2025, ways Soldiers can improve their system, and how G-1’s priorities could be achieved through IPPS-A enhancements.
You may find the IPPS-A Podcast on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, and Castbox.
For additional information and resources, visit our website at
Keep driving the change we need in our Army!
Rebekah S. Lust
IPPS-A FMD Director
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