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News | June 17, 2024

Orders Updates are HERE!!

Feedback from the field helped shape improvements for more effective, user-friendly orders produced by IPPS-A. The much-anticipated orders update release included the addition of the Army seal, display code descriptions, home of record address (Hire/Accession Orders), and Digital Garrison QR code; and the removal of controlled unclassified information (CUI) markings and retirement verbiage. Due to the complexity of the update, it required a system outage and occurred Saturday, June 15, 2024.

Army Seal Addition and CUI Markings Removal
The orders produced by IPPS-A were different than previous orders because they did not include the DoD seal in the header. This caused some organizations and individuals to question the legitimacy of the orders. In the past, Soldiers used copies of their orders as proof of assigned residency to rent apartments and homes. Without the seal on orders, their rental applications were being denied. Users requested a system enhancement through IPPS-A’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool to add the seal to the orders. With this update, the Army seal, versus the DoD seal, was added to the header of the document to specifically represent Army orders.

Additionally, IPPS-A’s previous orders included CUI markings, which stipulated restrictions on releasing the orders to external organizations. This also caused issues for Soldiers who wished to use them in renting residences. As the Department of the Army Regulation 600–8–105 (Military Orders) does not require them, the CUI markings were removed to allow Soldiers more ease of use.

Display Code Descriptions Addition
Through feedback from stakeholders, Team IPPS-A identified an improvement to orders display codes. The orders now include the code description so that organizations and individuals can easily understand the code meaning. For example, an outside organization like Veterans Affairs may not know the meaning behind a “code A” for character of service but adding the description “honorable” explains what a code A means.

Home of Record Address Addition (Hire/Accession Orders)
The field requested the addition of the home of record (HOR) address, where a Soldier last enters Active Duty, to hire/accession orders. This helps ensure an accurate shipment address/financial entitlements for transportation and correct pay for Soldiers traveling from their HOR to their first unit of assignment. The HOR on accession orders eliminates the potential for confusing it with another address, such as the mailing address. With this update, Soldiers benefit from improved efficiency and timeliness of PCS entitlements for travel and household goods from their initial accession to first duty station.

Digital Garrison QR Code Addition
Team IPPS-A took the opportunity to add the Digital Garrison QR code to the new orders. Soldiers can use their mobile devices to scan the code and access more tailored, specific information about their installation. The Digital Garrison app puts real-time information into users’ hands and keeps military communities connected, a key part of readiness and resiliency. The app includes real-time news, announcements, gate and facility information, hotlines, etc. The previous Military OneSource link was removed because it did not provide accessibility on paper orders.

Retirement Verbiage Removal
The DA 5016 (Chronological Statement of Retirement Points) is required to record and report retirement points and establish the Anniversary Year Ending Date, validating total retirement time upon retirement. If points are not updated in IPPS-A, there is the potential that incorrect information could make it onto orders. In discussions with the field, it was determined that the retirement verbiage on IPPS-A orders should be removed to eliminate the potential for human error.

Through the Agile software development process, IPPS-A prioritizes system update releases every two weeks based on Army priorities, value, and impact to users. Team IPPS-A appreciates the field’s patience with this particular update as they ensured the correct perimeters were in place to execute successfully. For more information, please visit here.