Thank you for continuing to navigate the system and quickly bring issues to our attention for resolution. We could not do this without the help of HR Professionals and Soldiers in the field. Your engagement and enthusiasm for IPPS-A is greatly appreciated.
Required Infrastructure Updates
We are performing necessary updates to the system’s infrastructure. These upgrades began 2 November 2023 and will continue through 11 January 2024.
As with any software (like an iPhone’s iOS), this is a regular part of the development process to ensure the system is consistently enhanced, and will periodically occur as we work to improve IPPS-A. Once these updates have been completed, we will resume our normal cadence of enhancements and break-fixes.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to improve IPPS-A.
New Features for Absence Analytics
IPPS-A’s Business Intelligence (BI) Absence Analytics dashboard has a new feature.
The Absence Summary and Absence Detail views include several new functions to support Congressional reporting requirements. These include: Sex, Absence Name, Military Personnel Category (MPC), Total Duration Across Segments, Soldier Current Rank, Employee Identification (EMPLID)/Department of Defense Identification Number (DoD ID), Major Army Command (MACOM) Code, and Military Service Component Code Description. The Absence Detail view also includes functionality for calculating leave pertaining to parental absences.
We developed a guide that will help you navigate these new features and calculate duration across multiple instances of leave. You may find it under “Job Aids” here:
User Manual Input
We are working on the next version of the IPPS-A User Manual (Version 9). As always, we welcome any contributions from the field.
The cutoff date to submit comments for the next version is 22 November 2023. You may add to the IPPS-A User Manual Comment Tracker at
R3 IPPS-A Resources.
Team IPPS-A Wins Pinnacle Award
It is my pleasure to announce that IPPS-A has won the 2023
Pinnacle Award for Team Project of the Year! This award is given to projects that foster innovation for the federal government.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the HR community for its support throughout the years and for making R3 Go-Live a success.
Check out IPPS-A’s
social media for more information.
We have a lot of great IPPS-A products created by units located on S1Net. On the left-hand side of the
IPPS-A landing page, find the SUB-TOPICS column, and click “IPPS-A SOPs/Tools” underneath that. Please feel free to “donate” any IPPS-A SOPs and products that have worked for your team!
For additional information and resources, be sure to follow us on social media. You may also visit our website at
Thank you for your continued support throughout this process.
Keep driving the change we need in our Army!
Becky Lust
Rebekah S. Lust
IPPS-A FMD Director