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News | March 23, 2023

TAG Sends: March Edition

SUBJECT: March Edition


Appreciate your continued support and professionalism to our People and your units.  We can only get better together!

Please see updated on ATAP 24-01 Army-Wide PAI reminder, Naming Commission Implementation requirements, SGLI Increase to $500,000, DD 93 updates, Military Career Development Course, and iPERMS transition and training.

Thank you for your continued support and assisting the AG Corps as we modernize and build to the Army 2030.

v/r TAG63

ATAP 24-01 Update to the Field:
To provide time for commanders to focus on the upcoming PAI and continued IPPS-A implementation, Officer Personnel Management Directorate (OPMD) is limiting ATAP 24-01 mover population to only those “must move” officers (for example, those who are attending/graduating from PME, selected for CSL, have OCONUS DEROS…) as well as select emergent requirements.  This change also allows time for pending Army decisions on unit priority (the Active Component Manning Guidance “next” is still in development) and possible structure changes.

HRC career managers will contact Officers with a YMAV within the 24-01 cycle, who do not meet the above requirements, to discuss changing their YMAV to the 24-02 market cycle.  We retain the ability to grant exceptions to meet emergent Army requirements or unique personal situations.

During 24-01, we will execute a modified Mission Essential Requirements (MER) process – but commanders will still be able to prioritize their requirements (via AIM 2.0).  Ahead of that, we will provide an estimate of officer movers to facilitate command expectations regarding the available OIM population for the cycle.

Further specified instructions for Brigade level strength managers will follow in the MER Letter.  The MER will be available for unit input from 23-31 March.  HRC Account Managers are the primary POC for any RFIs.  I need your help ensuring that your unit S1s inform their commanders of this change and communicate their priorities to their account managers. These timeline changes will not impact the Draft Assignment (formerly RFO) timeline for moving officers; we will publish Draft Assignments in the summer for those moving in the 24-01 cycle. See attached ATAP 24-01 timeline

My POC for TADD-O is Mr. Cunningham, 502-613-4187,

MILPER 23-057– Army Wide PAI:
Reminder for all units to complete the FY 2023 IPPS-A Post Go Live Army Wide Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI) before 30 Apr 23. The objective of the PAI is to maintain timely, error-free personnel accountability, involve commanders at all levels in the strength and reporting process and to reconcile IPPS-A data with Soldiers present in the unit.  Every unit will work on resolving accountability issues IAW Priority of Work v5.5 Day 1 (Go-Live) Tasks 1, and 7 through 15. Link for Priority of Work available at the AMC Enterprise Portal at
MPDs will report completion and submit all documents to:
-For IPPS-A questions contact
-For policy (AR 600-8-6) questions contact:

MILPER-23-087 Mail Address Changes per DoD Naming Commission:
This MILPER addresses requirements for Soldiers to update addresses due to the renaming of installations and streets IAW the Naming Commission Implementation. The MILPER will highlight the procedure and steps impacted individuals must take to ensure systems are updated with their new address.

My POC for policy (AR 600-8-3) questions is Mr. Don Westberry 502-613-8492 contact:

MILPER-23-088 Revocation and Disposition of Streamers for Confederate Service, and Disposition of Flags and Guidons Rendered Obsolete by Naming Commission Implementation:
This MILPER addresses requirements in the DA EXORD to revoke and properly dispose of battle streamers for Confederate service, and dispose of flags and guidons rendered obsolete by the Naming Commission implementation.  AR 600-8-22 and AR 840-10 will be updated accordingly to remove the authorization for Confederate streamers and we will continue to keep the field informed of these changes.

My POC for policy (AR 600-8-22 and AR 840-10) questions is Ms. Jaime Boyd 502-613-8417 contact:

MILPER 23-044– Expanded Parental Leave:
This MILPER provides clarification for requesting expanded Military Parental Leave Program (MPLP), with IPPS-A procedures, was issued on 2/1/2023 providing instructions for eligible Soldiers to request the absence using the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army (IPPS-A).

The expansion provides parental leave to active component; Reserve component Soldiers performing active guard and Reserve duty or full-time National Guard duty for more than 12 months consecutively; and Reserve component Soldiers performing duty under a call or order to active service for more than 12 months consecutively who have given birth, have adopted, or are adopting a child, or have received a foster child. To determine eligibility requirements and to view, flowcharts, presentation and FAQs go to HRC webpage, The Army Military Parental Leave Program (MPLP), at

-For policy (AR 600-8-10) questions contact:

SGLI Increased to $500,000:
On 1 March, all eligible Soldiers received an increase of their SGLI to from $400,000 to $500,000, including those who previously declined or reduced coverage.  The increased coverage will cost $31 per month for both SGLI and TSGLI.  Soldiers who wish to decrease or decline this coverage can do so online using the SGLI Online Enrollment System (SOES),  For additional information see the Veteran Affairs FAQs at SGLI Increase to $500,000 FAQs – Life Insurance (

MILPER 23-094 New DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data:
It is imperative that Soldiers keep a valid DD93 on file in iPERMS.  A new DD93 will become available on/about 27 April 2023 in IPPS-A.  If a Soldier requires a DD93 update before then, complete a manual DD93 and submit to iPERMs within 24 hours. See MILPER for additional guidance.

My POC for DD93s is Ms. Ashley Kenney, (502) 613-8109. The Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Division, Policy and Training Branch (AHRC-PDC-P), Fort Knox, KY 40122-5405,

Military Career Development Course (MCRDCC) in IPPS-A:
Soldiers missing Military Education (Military Career Development Courses (MCRDCC)) in IPPS-A, please see the attached IPPS-A and Military Career Development Course how to guide.  This guide will help the S1 HR Professionals decide which steps they have to do in order to take care of Soldiers.  It is important to follow the necessary steps to maintain data accuracy in IPPS-A and ATRRS, while maintaining the Soldiers AMHRR.

 **Course must have an associated MCRDCC code in ATRRS and marked as Yes on this list to receive Promotion points.

The resident codes can be seen on the ATRRS Course Catalog at in the second far-right column called Military Career Dev Crs Resident.

iPERMs Updates and Training:
New iPERMS Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Functionality

iPERMS will deploy OCR capabilities in the Spring 2023 that will auto recognize, and file documents processed by Scan Operators for filing in the Soldier AMHRR. This capability will significantly speed up the processing of iPERMS batches by reducing the workload associated with the manual, labor intensive, verification of batches at HRC.  To capitalize on this functionality, it is imperative that the documents within a batch be organized as individual documents with indexing data associated to each document within the batch.  Batches that are submitted in this format will be processed faster than batches submitted without following the steps outlined in the attached guide.

iPERMS Training:
iPERMS training and user guide is available to all Soldiers at the links below:
The iPERMS training website where the Record Manager Guide is: 
The ASRB Personnel Record Review tool website has links to videos:
The AMHRR S1 Net Page contains this information (

AMHRR Annual Record Review:
This requirement is used to achieve AMHRR accuracy and PERPAY audit readiness requirements at the DoD and statutory level.  Please ensure each record review is conducted with this objective in mind. We are currently working on ways to align these objectives to all systems and applications within the HR Domain while looking at potential ways to improve the AMHRR Record Review Tool, known as RRT, in the AMHRR Record Management Application, known as RMA. Annual Records Review Training is a five-part video segment that provides information about the RRT in iPERMS. Annual Records Review Training is a five-part video segment that provides information about the RRT in iPERMS.

Record Review Tool, iPERMS, Introduction to the Record Review: 

Record Review Tool, iPERMS, Initiate a Review: 

Record Review Tool, iPERMS, Conducting a Personnel Record Review with the Soldier present: 

Record Review Tool, iPERMS, Conducting a Finance Record Review without the Soldier present: 

Record Review Tool, iPERMS, Problem Resolution and Running Reports: 

Record Review Tool FAQs and Information:

Ensure you have completed all iPERMS access control training requirements and completed the DA Form 2875 to standard before submission.
HRC Homepage:
United States Army Reserve, USAR, request must be submitted to Master Point of Contact, MPOC, List. Send DD form 2875 and all certificates in one file to the USAR mailbox information located on the HRC Homepage link above.
United States Army National Guard, ARNG, requests must be submitted to the ARNG mailbox information located on the HRC Homepage link above. A list of the NG iPERMS State Domain Contacts can be found at

iPERMS Additional Resources
iPERMS Training site:
AG Tube Training Videos: iPERMS on AG Tube, click on the following link:
Uploading Documents in iPERMS:
Indexing Documents in iPERMS:
My POC for IPERMS is Mr. Nathan May, chief, Army Soldier Records Branch, 502-613-8989,

BG Gregory S. Johnson
The Adjutant General of the Army/
CG, Physical Disability Agency/
Executive Director, MPSA