How will IPPS-A Boost Your Career?

Link to Youtube: How Will IPPS-A Boost Your Career? Video
IPPS-A is the critical enabler for the transition to a Talent Management system and an human resources data-rich environment.

Capabilities Poster

Link to Talent Management Capabilities Poster

Soldier Talent Profile

Link to Soldier Talent Profile poster

Soldier Talent Profile (STP)

Graphic: Soldier Talent Profile (STP) Knowledge, Skills and Behaviors (KSBs)

Release 3 includes the  Soldier Talent Profile (STP) and allows the management of a Soldier’s career from Accession through Transition. The STP provides a detailed level of workplace characteristics on each Soldier in our force. This includes hundreds of data elements regarding knowledge, skills, behaviors, experiences and readiness. When pieced together, the data provides a holistic talent profile of a Soldier. IPPS-A will deliver improved talent information flow and greater transparency between all Components of the Army to employ and retain its very best. IPPS-A’s STP is a way to enhance Army Readiness by maximizing the potential of the Army’s greatest asset — the Soldier.

Army Talent Management Initiatives

Graphic: Army Talent Management Initiatives

A Common Model for Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors, Assessments, and Change Management Key to Ensuring Talent Management

Grapic: A Common Model for Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors, Assessments, and Change Management Key to Ensuring Talent Management


As of July 2022, subject to change.