he Army has a challenging problem. Its legacy systems and databases are stove-piped and (mostly) do not talk to each other. The Integrated Personnel and Pay System ‐ Army (IPPS-A) will modernize Army Human Resources (HR) and develop a system for managing talent, reduce IT and military pay costs, and improve Soldiers’ lives through transparency and mobile capabilities. IPPS-A is innovative and represents a revolutionary leap forward in Army HR and IT.
IPPS-A is the critical enabler for the transition to a Talent Management system and a data-rich environment. The IPPS-A Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software suite integrates over 1.1 million Soldiers into a multi-component (Active Army, Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve) personnel and pay system to deliver Total Force visibility to support Readiness, Talent Management and Auditability. The software that runs IPPS-A is the ORACLE PeopleSoft Suite, and IPPS-A will eventually completely integrate the military personnel and pay functions for Active Army, Army National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve, West Point Cadets, Reserve Officer Training Corps and Health Professional Scholarship Students in a single system.
IPPS-A will deliver visibility over the entire force and maximize the potential of the Army’s greatest asset, the Soldier, to enhance Army Readiness. It will improve access, timeliness and will provide auditability of personnel and pay information for the Total Army – integrating more than 30 current systems; eliminating more than 300 interfaces; ensuring secure, consistent processes and data; and meeting required standards.